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JNTUK B Pharmacy All Year Materials 2024

You can find JNTU B Pharmacy All Year Materials Below and I categorized the materials based on the subject names , if you are unable to find the materials that you need don’t hesitate to message me and i will guide you.

Here you can find the list of subjects that are categorized with the help of “starting first letter of each subject”, let us take an example there is one subject called “Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics” in B Pharmacy and this subject first letter was “B” that means you can find the subject materials under the title “subjects starting with letter “B” “. similarly for other subjects as well., after clicking on the respective subjects links you will be directed to the download page , where you can directly download the materials by clicking on the download link.

if you need any other materials also please message me or comment here, I will upload the materials for sure., if you need any other resources for related to your career related you can message me.

B Pharmacy All Year Materials

Subjects with starting letter “B”

Biochemistry Material

Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics Materials

Biostatics and research methodology Material

Biostatics and research methodology Material

Subjects with starting letter “C”

communication skills Material

Computer Applications

Subjects with starting letter “E”

Environmental Science

Subjects with starting letter “H”

Herbal drug technology

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1

Human anatomy and physiology 2

Human Value and Ethics

Subjects with starting letter “I”

Instrumental methods of analysis

Industrial Pharmacy-1

Industrial pharmacy-2

Subjects with starting letter “M”

Medicinal Chemistry-1

Medicinal Chemistry-2

Medicinal chemistry-3

Subjects with starting letter “N”

Novel drug delivery system

Subjects with starting letter “O”

Organic Chemistry 2

Organic Chemistry 3

Subjects with starting letter “P”


Pharma Marketing Management

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical Engineering

Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science

Pharmaceutics 1

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-1

Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry-2




Pharmacy practice

Physical Pharmaceutics 1

Physical Pharmaceutics 2

Subjects with starting letter “R”

Remedial Mathematics

Subjects with starting letter “S”

Social and Preventive Pharmacy

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